Thursday, September 24, 2009

To serve God surely honesty matters?

Lets be honest!

How important is honesty when it comes to serving God? Well to build on anything the foundation must be truth. Lets say your trying to build a transistor radio. So you go to Radio Shack and buy the key transistor. How important is it that the part the clerk sold you is actually a transistor?

So in order to build something bigger the smaller pieces need to be based on truth.

Romans says serve him in spirit and in truth. Surely honesty and truth are related?

So let’s be honest.

Ok seems simple right?

Lets try some tests on how honest you are.

1. What is 2 + 2?
2. What is Planck's constant?
3. What is the mass of the earth?

Ok so how did you do?

Notice that "I don't know" is an honest answer.

Now lets move on a bit.

1. How many people were in your graduating class?
2. When was the last time you called a 3rd cousin?
3. Where is the island of Guernsey?

How did you do?

Are you as sure of your answer to #1 in this section as your were the previous?

Notice that "I think", "about", "approximately" words are being used. But were you honest?

Next step.

1. Did you have a Great Great Great Great Grandfather?
2. You walk in a room there are 53 cards laying on a table and the one man dead from a gunshoot wound has the second Ace of spades in his hand. What do think happened?
3. If a dog and a cat were to have children what would the children look like?

So are you still being honest? Not so easy to know now is it?

Deduction dear Watson.... Notice here that you are trying to deduce some truth from other observations.

Ok you see the various items and you see that honesty isn't always about, knowing everything, or isn't completely accurate. "I think I had 65 in my graduating class, plus or minus 5".

So know the kicker... and if you really believe that to serve God you must be honest. Then be honest.

1. Was Jesus born on December 25th?
2. Was Jesus alive in the year 12 AD?
3. When Paul wrote the private letter to his friend Timothy, did he know it would be in the bible?
4. How much of the bible did Jesus write?
5. Did Jesus, amongst his followers, every employ the services of a scribe? If so what did he write?
6. Was Jesus born of a women that was impregnated by God? If so then would all of Gods traits been the dominate traits? What would the DNA of such a being be?
7. Is the DNA of such a person relevant? Then is the means of pregnancy relevant?
8. Did a woman named Simona Thornhill live in the year 1550 and did she give birth to a child without having a mans semen ever enter her body?
9. What does anointed mean?
10. Did Jesus ever live?

So how are you doing? Still being honest?

1. What is a greater source of truth, "reason" or "the bible"? What is your reason for the answer? Why should anyone ever give a reason for any answer?
2. Do you learn things through out your life? Did you learn from your parents? Will you teach your children? If you were to write a book on how to build a TV today, do you think that book could be improved in 10 more years?
3. When did people first learn to write? Did these people think the earth was flat? Did they think the earth was the center of the universe?
4.Have the fundamentals of the universe changed, that you are aware of, in your life time? Did the force of gravity ever just change? Has gravity ever reversed its direction, causing mass to repel each other and have things float off the earth? How long has this principle been working?
5. If you saw a painting, would that tell you something about the painter? If you saw a child’s drawing of his dog and a stick person with a smile, would that tell you anything?
6. If you created a universe where all living items (That we know of) are built on the same principle of DNA, would you occasionally drop in and have one of your creations write a few pages about you? Could this DNA perfectly reflect your intentions? If not then wouldn't you write it yourself? If so, then couldn't the descendant DNA of this DNA be able to also reflect your intentions?
7. If this book was of utmost importance to you, and perfectly reflected you intentions. Then do you think you would change your mind over time? Oh but what if you created time? So do you think that the only thing that would change over time would be your intentions with a particular subset of DNA? If you had a son and sent him to live amongst this DNA as DNA himself for the enlightening of the DNA and a book is the best method you could come up with to communicate with them (You should consult with the authors of StarTrek and used the Volcan mind meld...Oh maybe you did). Would you let him forget to write a book about what was most important?
8. If you created as complicated DNA on other planets, does the book you wrote hold the same value there? Does gravity work the same there? Or do they have another book?

Be honest?

Conclusion: Be honest and admit what you don't know. Seek the truth. And love God more than your own religion.


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